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Home » News » Company News » V shape mixer VS  Ribbon mixer, what is the difference?

V shape mixer VS  Ribbon mixer, what is the difference?

Views: 50     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-12-15      Origin: Site

These two kinds of mixer machines are both suitable for mixing dry powder or granules. But there are some differences between the two mixing machines. Here are the main differences for your reference.

Differences between v cone mixer & ribbon mixer

1) Mixing material:

V shape mixer (a kind ofcone blender) just can mix dry powder or granules.
But ribbon mixer can mix dry powder or granules with little liquid.

2) Mixing effect:

Ribbon mixing machine has a better mixing effect than v shape mixer, especially for low fluidity materials, cause it has ribbon blade inside.

If you want the v shape mixer, forced agitator is optional depends on your mixing material.

3) Feeding:

V cone bender is vertical type, feeding is a little difficult, not easy.

But ribbon blender is horizontal type, feeding is easier.

When you choose automatic way for feeding, vacuum feeder is a better choice for v mixer machine;

For the ribbon powder mixer, vacuum feeder and screw feeder are both suitable.

4) Discharging:

V powder mixer can discharge the mixed powder completely, but the ribbon mixer machine will leave a little mixture at the bottom.

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